I've only recently (very recently) begun considering the writing of screenplays as a worthwhile endeavor for myself. I like thinking up stories and characters and dialogue but my forays into fiction writing didn't leave me very happy. I didn't enjoy that process very much and for the most part found it tedious. It recently occurred to me that maybe novels were the wrong medium for me. I've written short bits of plays before and liked it, liked spending time with the characters, but occasionally found it limiting. Maybe screenwriting can bring together the bits of the writing worlds I like in a way that suits me.
I've been immersing myself in the screenwriting world these past few days. Reading blogs, screenplays, books pertaining to screenwriting, and journaling about my own ideas. I thought perhaps keeping my own blog about my process might be interesting. As a very, very, novice screenwriter-to-be (I've yet to add word to paper in a formal non-journal scribble form - no actual screenwriting done yet) I know frighteningly little about the craft. This blog can discover things with me and can perhaps be fun for others to follow as I hopefully go from one in the early stages of exploration to someone confident and experienced with work under her belt.
Here I think I'll share resources I've found helpful as well as my process of self-teaching, frustrations, and solutions. If nothing else, if no one finds this blog worth their time or nothing comes of my writing, well, it can be a time capsule for a bit of my life where I thought I found something.
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